Monday, July 21, 2008

Sonic....not the boom!!!

So, today my bright idea was to go to Sonic for lunch and I asked Heather if she wanted to do it and she thought it would take to long to get there and we both should not be gone for that long. I understood where she was coming from so, I thought I know who would want to go with me...Alysun!!! She was already when I asked her so we left at 11:30ish and headed out. When we arrived I started ordering Heather's and my meal while Alysun was deciding what she wanted. After ordering and getting the food Alysun was like lets get the banana split blasts so we then waited around for those also. After we got enough food for a small army headed back to work and got back a little(hehe) late but, it's Sonic!

1 comment:

Hizzeather said...

I am grateful for your field trip! :)